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Documentation and resources for using Plugin Rank and improving your plugin rankings.

May 6, 2021 What is the GPL? A Guide to WordPress Licensing

Licensing your WordPress products means using the GPL. In this post, I’ll answer the question, “What is the GPL?” and explain how it ties into WordPress.

April 11, 2021 3 Ways You Can Sell Your WordPress Plugin

Once you’ve developed your plugin, you need to let people find it. This post will look at some ways to sell your WordPress plugin,

March 4, 2021 Freemium vs Premium – How Should You Pitch Your WordPress Plugin?

The pricing model of your WordPress plugin can make or break its success. This post will discuss how freemium vs premium compares.

February 20, 2021 A Guide to Outsourcing WordPress Plugin Support

Looking to outsource the support for your WordPress plugin? Let me guide you through the benefits, things to consider, and five options.

September 1, 2020 How to Track your WordPress Plugin Competitors in Search Results

See how to find your WordPress plugin competitors and how to track their positions in the search results for the keywords you rank for.

August 25, 2020 How to Get More Reviews for Your WordPress Plugin and Why Reviews Are Good

WordPress Plugin reviews are crucial for social proof making people more comfortable to buy your plugin. In this guide find out how to get more reviews for your WordPress plugin.

August 25, 2020 How to Get Your Free WordPress Plugin Translated into Different Languages

Translating your WordPress plugin can boost its rankings in the WordPress plugin directory. Find out how and where to get your free WordPress plugin translated in our complete guide.

August 17, 2020 Why You Should Support Your Free WordPress Plugins

Supporting your free WordPress plugins can give you a leg up over the competition. Find out why you should support your free WordPress plugins in our complete guide.

August 5, 2020 How to Optimize Your WordPress Plugin Readme.txt for Higher Rankings in Search Results

Optimizing your plugin readme can take you from page 10 on the plugin directory to page 1. In this guide find out how to get more downloads by optimizing your plugin readme.txt.

July 28, 2020 How To Track WordPress Plugin Rankings on

Ranking your plugin on doesn’t need to be a guessing game. Find out how to track your WordPress plugin rankings over time in our complete guide.


Helping you develop and grow your WordPress plugins.

WordPress Plugin Readme Generator

Generate WordPress plugin readme.txt files with ease. The readme.txt file is the heart of a WordPress plugin. Quickly create readme files with this handy WordPress readme generator.

Are you ready to watch your plugins grow?

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